Conferences & Events
Restoring Public Confidence, Rebuilding Public Engagement
Keynote Speaker: His Worship David Miller,
Mayor of the City of Toronto
Toronto, March 26, 2004
Sponsors: The Ginger Group, Seneca College & York University
8th Annual Keith Davey Lecture
Keynote Speaker: The Hon. Frank Iacobucci, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
Toronto, March 11, 2004
Sponsor: Victoria College
Masters of the Universe: Science, Politics and the New Space Race
London (U.K.), March 3, 2004
Sponsor: Demos
Who Controls Canada's Media?
Montreal, February 13-15, 2003.
Sponsor: McGill Institute for Study of Canada
In the News
Canada's ex-Foreign Minister Axworthy named UN envoy to Eritrea, Ethiopia
UN News Centre, Jan. 30, 2004